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Worship Through It

Tasha Layton

Group of multigenerational people hugging each others
An Indian boy smiling and flexing his biceps on top of a pile of trash

Rescue the ragpickers with OneChild 

There is an urgent need right now. In India, there are kids who live in the slums and are part of a group known as ragpickers. A ragpicker is a child that picks up rags and other waste from the streets and refuse heaps for a living. 

This problem is real. The city of New Delhi even uses ragpickers in lieu of trash hauling services. They have these children jump on the mass transit when it stops, and people get off to pick up the trash. They will keep what they want to sell later.

These precious children are forced to scrap together whatever they can to simply survive. OneChild is working to change that, but they need your help. The OneChild Hannah Hope Center is serving these young ragpickers, but these kids need a sponsor.

When you sponsor a child, you allow them to get off the streets, eat real food, gain an education, and learn about Jesus. Help us help the ragpickers. Help us take care of every one of these children. Let’s fill a classroom with ragpickers and help them gain a better life!